5 Cataract Myths you Should Know

When it comes to a healthy eye, the lens is clear. A cataract is the clouding of the lens, which can cover the whole lens and can interfere with your vision, making your sight blurry and cloudy. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. 

You can, however, prevent further damage to the eye by getting cataract surgery if you have a cataract. This surgery can replace the clouded, blurry lens with an artificial one, to improve your vision.
There are common myths associated with cataracts, therefore, we are here to debunk some of them. Be sure to visit our eye specialists in Johannesburg to book your eye test.

Myth #1: Cataracts only affect the elderly

Fact: It is true that cataracts are common in elderly people, and mostly develop for people 80 years and older. However, new studies suggest that cataracts can also affect people in their 40s and 50s. Most cataracts are small and do not affect middle-aged people, and you might only notice its effects later on in life. Different types of cataracts can affect you despite your age. 

Myth #2: Cataract surgery is dangerous and time-consuming

Fact: The surgery only takes 10-15 minutes to perform and is extremely safe and effective. The surgical methods used for cataract surgery make it one of the most advanced surgical procedures performed today. 95% of people who have cataract removal have better vision. It is safe and with proper rest and post-surgical eye care, you will be able to live your normal life with even better vision! 

Myth #3: My eyes don’t hurt, so there is no way that I have cataracts

Fact: Pain is rarely associated with cataract surgery. You might, however, have some of the following symptoms:

  • A glare or halo around lights.
  • Colours may look faded.
  • Double or blurred vision.
  • Clouding of the lens.
  • Sudden changes in your glasses or contact prescription.

Myth #4: A cataract is a film that grows over the eye, and it can grow back after surgery

Fact: A cataract is not a growth that covers your iris – it is the clouding of the lens inside the eye. A common myth is that there are eye-drops to dissolve cataracts. Cataracts are not a substance, therefore, it cannot be dissolved. There are no topical treatments for them and they cannot “grow back” after being surgically removed.

Myth #5: If I take care of my eyes, I won’t get cataracts

Fact: You may go a lifetime without ever having a cataract. One can never be sure when and how they will occur despite taking care of your eyes. Of course, if you regularly see your eye doctor, they will be able to detect any issues ahead of time. Trauma, eye infections, diabetes, excessive exposure to the sun, and various drugs can cause or increase risk of cataracts.

Contact iSurgeon for more information about cataracts and other eye-related problems, and put your eye health first.